Applying ECS to a simple game

I’ve been going back to work on my Entity-Component-System framework. Aside from being a side project, I will also plan to use it for my voxel platform game. I’ve already created a Minimum Viable Product using it, which is the Bomberman clone game I mentioned a few posts back. Animations are still very buggy, and there is no AI implemented, but a barebones 2-4 player version is working.

Previously I initialized all the Components, Systems, and Entity templates in the framework code. While I did this for testing out the game, it’s not good for portability, so I had to remove all that initialization code out and update the framework so that it can accept new Components, Systems and templates from outside.

Finally, I isolated the code into its own assembly, so it would be possible to just link it as a DLL. This also meant I had to remove any XNA/MonoGame specific classes and all the rendering will have to do be done from outside. In short, it’s really is meant for game logic only, and your game will have to handle the rendering separately.

The framework itself is lightweight (and I hope it stays that way), and only consists of 5 files/classes: Component, EntityManager, EntitySystem, EntityTemplate, and SystemManager. The SystemManager handles all the high level control and flow of the EntitySystems, which you make custom systems from. EntityTemplate is a simple class used as a blueprint to add Components that define an Entity, and is deep-cloneable. EntityManager handles the creation of Entities from these templates, and also the organization of its components. Despite its name, there is no Entity class. I think I wil rename this manager to “ComponentManager” in another revision.

The Bomberman game has the following components:

  • Bomb
  • Collision
  • InputContext
  • PlayerInfo
  • PowerUp
  • ScreenPosition
  • Spread
  • Sprite
  • TilePosition
  • TimedEffect

They are used by the following systems:

  • BombSystem
  • CollisionSystem
  • ExplosionSystem
  • InputSystem
  • MovementSystem
  • PlayerSystem
  • PowerUpSystem
  • TileSystem

Some of the systems are more generic than others. There are a couple of systems like the Bomb system or Power-up system that have very specific logic pertaining to the game, while others like the Input system are pretty abstract and can be adapted to other game types with little or no change. Some are Drawable systems so they have an extra Draw() function that is called in a separate part of the game loop.

The funny thing is that I was going to talk about using Messages in this update, but in the time between, I did away with them completely. Messages were a static list of Message objects that was in the base System class. They were mostly used for one-time player triggered events (like setting a bomb) and every system had access to them, but I decided to just pass along the InputContext component into the systems that will be dependent on player input.

Setup and Gameplay

The game is started by initializing all the components and systems and then creating the entire set of Entities using a Level class. This class has only one job- to lay out the level. Specifically, it adds the components needed to make the tiles, sprites and players. My implementation of the game pre-allocates 9 Bomb entities (the maximum a player can have) for each player.

Each player can be custom controlled but right now that’s facing issues now that I moved from invoking methods to instantiate new Entities, to deep-cloning them. This works as well as long as none of the component have reference types.

The only Component that has reference types is the InputContext component as it needs to keep a Dictionary of the available control mappings. This breaks with deep-cloning and thus with multiple players, they all share the same control scheme. Other than that, it makes the component too bloated, especially with helper functions to initialize the mappings. So I am figuring out how to use value types only to represent an arbitrary group of control mappings.

The game starts immediately after setup, and every InputContext that is tied in with a PlayerInfo controls a player. Movement around the level is handled with the Movement System, while placing and remote-detonating bombs is handled with the Bomb System.

The Input System detects key and button presses from an InputContext’s available control mappings, and changes two integers, “current action” and “current state”, based on it. It is up to other systems to determine what it should do with these values, if needed.

The Tile System is responsible for keeping sprites aligned to a tile grid, or giving them their closest “tile coordinates” which is important in knowing where a bomb should be placed, for example.

Collision System is self-explanatory. It handles different collision types varying by enum, to differentiate solid objects, destructible objects or damaging objects, as well as the response (it pushes players off walls, for example). If a player walks into an explosion, the Collision System knows.

An Explosion System is used to propagate the explosions in pre-set directions. By default it’s in all 4 cardinal directions with a bomb’s Power attribute copied to a Spread component, subtracting one with each tile. It keeps creating more explosions until this attribute reaches 0 or it hits a wall.

The Powerup System handles tracking tile locations with the players’ own tile locations so if two identical locations are found, we know a player is over a power-up and it can be applied.

There used to be a system for drawing sprites, but I decided to remove it and have the rendering be done outside the ECS scope. This makes the code more portable and you can use your own renderer.

Now that the game is now done (with minimal specs), I am now ready to extend its use to produce one of the games I have wanted to make for a while, a top-down arena style shooter. This game will have similarities with components and systems for player movement, tile collision, and power-ups (which will be changed simply to items). I plan to make it in 2D at first but eventually switch the renderer to 3D and also offer customizable maps.

ECS is officially the bomb!

Over the last week and a half, I have been working on my own ECS framework. This is a side project away from my main voxel game, but it is something I wanted to do in order to be able to improve my productivity with making games more quickly. Inspired by Phil’s Bomberman tutorial, I have implemented my own Bomberman clone with my own made-from-scratch ECS framework (though some conventions and names were adapted).

My own framework has less code than Phil’s but as long as the whole game still works on top of it, I would prefer that. Because right now, I don’t need two Entities to check if they are exactly the same, or don’t need to serialize them for other purposes. And I certainly don’t need scripts at the moment.This framework has gone through two main iterations. They differed mostly in how Components are stored in the game.

As you may know in an Entity-Component-System framework Components are just simple data containers, which don’t have any game logic, but are mutable by the game logic code, which resides in the Systems. Entities in my framework do not exist at all as classes, but are rather just numbers implied in Components as you’ll soon see.

Framework Structure

The ECS framework in its current state consists of your typical Component and System base classes, which you can build specific Systems and Components from. Here are the important data structures:

  • A Dictionary of Component arrays indexed by enum. Usually a small amount of different types.
  • Component arrays which are accessed by index, so constant time here.
  • Systems take references of important Component arrays. Iterating them takes linear time.
  • List of Systems which are always executed in the order that they were added.
  • Static array of Messages in Systems. For now, they are just being created by the Input System. Could possibly be made non-static.

The main point of setup and entity processing comes from the SystemManager class, which stores a list of all the different Systems, and calls their Draw and Process function in the game loop.

This class also has an instance of an EntityManager class, which is passed to the System constructors. The EntityManager class is where all the Component arrays are stored (as the base Component class), and where the Systems get all the Components they need. Components are pooled at startup, setting each array to a fixed sized X for max number of entities (though in C# it’s straightforward to resize an array if needed).

The arrays themselves are in a Dictionary, using a Enum for Component type as key. They are arrays of base classes, but they added in as derived classes.

public Dictionary<ComponentType, Component[]> components { get; private set; }

// Add Tile Position components
components.Add(ComponentType.TilePosition, new Components.TilePosition[maxEntities]);

This makes it possible to re-cast them back into their derived classes, but fortunately we would only have to do this on startup. Systems get the arrays of Components they need upon initialization, cast to the the proper type.

// Inside a System that uses Collision and TilePosition components

Components.Collision[] collision;
Components.TilePosition[] tilePosition;

public CollisionSystem(EntityManager entityManager)
    : base(entityManager) 
    // Load important components
    collision = components[ComponentType.Collision] as Components.Collision[];     
    tilePosition = components[ComponentType.TilePosition] as Components.TilePosition[];       

No further casting is needed for entire arrays after this point. The only casting that is done while the game is running is for getting certain Components at a given index.

When an ECS is more like a CS

Not dealing with Computer Science, but dealing with Components and Systems only. There are no entities in the framework, or at least not as objects. There is no Entity class, but instead entity IDs are stored in the components themselves and also referred to indirectly by the array indexes. The Components are access sequentially by the Systems and you can be sure that any Components in the same location of their respective array together make up an entity.

The EntityManager also has as an integer variable, TotalEntities, for the total amount of entities active in the game. It tells each System how far into the Component arrays it should iterate. An entity is “removed” by replacing the removed entity’s components with the components of the last active entity in the array. TotalEntities is reduced by 1, and this is the new index marker to tell the EntityManager where it should add Components to make a new entity.

Since arrays are fixed size, the amount of entities should not exceed the size provided in the pool. You can usually easily test and find out what a suitable size is for simpler games. I want improve this in the future by making the EntityManager resize the arrays to a much larger size if it should reach the limit (which should generally be avoided anyways to maintain good performance).

Component Organization

In the first iteration, the framework had arrays of each Component type, as concrete classes. Each derives from a base Component class, but the arrays are set up as the derived Component classes. So you had arrays of different classes named spriteComponents, screenPositionComponents, etc. This was inflexible for two reasons. First, adding a new component type meant also adding code for it to do a type check in the function to “Add” an entity.

// Get proper EntityPrefab method
Type prefabsType = typeof(EntityPrefabs);
MethodInfo theMethod = prefabsType.GetMethod("Create" + templateName);

// Call method to create new template
newTemplate = (EntityTemplate)theMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { nextEntity });

// Check every array for proper insertion 
foreach (Component component in newTemplate.componentList) 
    if (component is Components.Sprite) 
        components.components[ComponentType.Sprite][nextEntity] = (component as Components.Sprite); 
    if (component is Components.Bomb) 
        components.bomb[nextEntity] = (component as Components.Bomb); 
    if (component is Components.Collision) 
        components.collision[nextEntity] = (component as Components.Collision);

// Etc...

This has been improved since, and now adding Components to an array doesn’t require manually going through every possible Component type.

// Check every array for insertion
foreach (Component component in newTemplate.componentList)
    components[component.type][nextEntity] = component;

Enity Prefabs

Every game using ECS benefits from having pre-assembled entities to use right off the bat. It’s a logical way to plan the rules of your game and what kind of game objects it will have. I use a small class called EntityTemplate which stores a list of Components. A class called EntityPrefab contains different methods (CreatePlayer, CreateSolidBlock, etc.) to return a new copy of a template, and its Components are added to the pool.

You still have to invoke EntityPrefab methods since the methods are dynamically chosen with the “templateName” String parameter. I would like to replace it with just adding prefabs to a List of EntityTemplates, so you just select them from a list. In hindsight this should have been the more obvious approach but I was taking from Phil_T’s approach to making entity prefabs.

Getting into the Game

I will talk about this in the next post, since I’ve probably gone long enough already! Then I’ll be able to go into more detail on how the game uses the framework. But since the first draft of this post and now, I have also made some more improvements on the ECS code and ironed out some game bugs too. The game is getting closer to being playable!